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I have been researching Nibiru,Planet X,Wormwood ect for many years looking for information of these so called planets.


As most people that do know this is a hoax and is driven by conspiracy theorists that nibiru you-tubers use as fear porn.


There are people all around the world that believe one day earth will be destroyed by a rogue planet called nibiru,Planet X,Wormwood ect even young kids aged 13+ asking if they will die tonight,tomorrow or next week ect in live chats or leaving a comment in their video's why,when how ect.


What i do is, in my spare time to is debunking these you-tubers who want to tell the world it's going to end and make profits while they do so in the process which does kinda make you feel sick.


Now thing about debunking these so called nibiru channels is that when you give your reason to why they are wrong they call you a "TROLL or SHILL" meaning you work for the government ect when in fact i just debunk these channels in my spare time.


When you view these so called nibiru channels make sure you have an open mind to both sides and not just the nibiru cult as most believers tend to do.


What to watch out for ?.

These nibiru channels claim that lens flares,reflections,spiders,dust spots ect are these so called planets Nibiru,Planet X ect.When you do come across any of these video's really listen to what they say and look at the images they provide and think to yourselfs why is that so called planet below the clouds!.


When will we know the real truth ?

Well if you look at it this way...No one will know until we have more data about planet 9.

As i have said in one of my video's when we have more information i will update you all in blog or video's.So keep a look out for any updates on youtube channel or our site.


Why do they call it Nibiru Planet X ?.

Some people class Pluto as a "Dwarf Planet" and some believe Pluto is still the 9th planet.

If you go by NASA terms Pluto is still a dwarf planet meaning Neptune is planet 8.

In 2013 when astronomers noticed that something had to be pulling at Neptune and Pluto which made the conspiracy theorists go wild on youtube and other platforms claiming it to be Nibiru but really we are searching for Planet 9 is what we are really searching for and not this rogue planet Nibiru.


Will the end of days happen ?.

One day maybe,your life can end at anytime by walking down a street or by earthquakes Volcano's

ect.So whats the point worrying about some rogue planet that just a hoax knowing your life can end at any day.


Live life and be happy that your still here as others lose their life every day.



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